Update – November 2022
The Water Infrastructure Holdings, LLC (“WIH”) potable waterline extension design continues to move forward. A majority of easements has been received, and WIH has begun the process of submitting permit applications to the Michigan Department of the Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) and the Lapeer County Road Commission.
To support the design work, a geotechnical boring program will be conducted along the path of the waterline. Borings will be installed by an all-terrain vehicle-mounted drill rig along the shoulders of Hawk High Hill Drive, Markins Drive, Shalimar Ridge, Stock Road, and Woodside Trail. The borings will be two inches in diameter installed to a depth of about 10 feet. Soil samples will be collected from each boring, and the holes will be backfilled. This investigation will provide a description of soil types, relative density, consistency, grain size, and other subsurface conditions needed for design and construction of the waterline. All work will be done during work hours with minimum disruption.
To prepare for the boring program, the location of each boring will be identified with a wooden stake installed by a field technician on November 30. The boring program will begin on December 5 and be completed by the end of the week. Each boring task will be completed in one to two hours.